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Image by Artem Beliaikin


The IUFRO World Day will include more than 60 static news items next to our live session portfolio. These items include recorded sessions, informative videos, publications, articles and other interesting information by IUFRO Units and Member Organizations. Find a list of all our static content at the IUFRO World Day below. Register for the event to access all these exciting contributions on our interactive map! Static content will be available for you throughout the whole 24-hours event. While our live sessions take you rapidly around the globe, our static content lets the world stand still for a moment to discover a snapshot of IUFRO.

Image by Artem Beliaikin

Where can I access the static content items?

Find all our static content on the IUFRO World Day Map. This map will guide participants through the content of the event. All sessions and static content will be pinned on this map. Content like publications or posters can be accessed throughout the event within the map.

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